What is the change that you would like to see, specifically in India, with regards to the LGBTQ+ community?
I would really like the future of the queer community to be bright, to be filled with hope, to be a more egalitarian world where we don't have to fight so much for our rights - something so fundamental.
So many changes I would like to see, to begin with - marriage equality, that is something I would really really want in the future. I think marriage right is a very fundamental right, people across the gender spectrum should be able to choose who they want to marry, irrespective of their gender identity. I wish there was more understanding and awareness of the difference between gender identity and sexuality.
I would love for us to have rights to adoption, a very very fundamental right again, I feel this world would be so much better if we offered kids the opportunity to be adopted by queer couples - that would be lovely.